ROC Return/Annual Filing


What is ROC Return ?

Each Company fused in India must consent to the continuous government standards and controls after consolidation; a privately owned business is required to agree to the different laws and arrangements under the Companies Act 2013 and rules made there under.

Enlistment center of Companies (ROC) is the assigned expert that arrangements with organization of Companies Act 2013 and it falls under Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The organizations joined under the Companies Act, 2013 are obligatory to record different structures, returns and archives with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in an electronic mode inside the endorsed time alongside the recommended charges.
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What is the

Documents required

What are the Documents required for ROC Return?

  • Balance-Sheet:23AC to be filed by all Companies
  • Profit & Loss Account:Form 23ACA to be filed by all Companies
  • Annual Return:Form 20B to be filed by Companies having share capital
  • Annual Return:Form 21A to be filed by companies without share capital
  • Compilance Certificate:Form 66 to be filed by Companies having paid up capital of Rs.10 lakh to Rs. 5 crore

What Includes in this package?

  • Verification of Documents
  • Prepration of Annual Statements
  • Board Report
  • Filling and Submitting Annual Documents

how it work

What is the process for ROC Return ?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry has been the industry’s standard dummy when an unknown printer.

File e Form INC-1 by logging in the portal along with a payment of fees of Rs.1000/- and attaching the digital signature of the applicant proposing to incorporate the company.

The approved name is valid for a period of 60 days from the date of filing of Form INC-1..If,the proposed company is not incorporated within such period, the name shall be lapsed and will be available for other applicants. Please note that there shall not be any provision for renewal of the name

An e-form is the electronic equivalent of the paper form. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has recently launched a major e-governance initiative MCA 21. In the new system, it is envisaged that all company related documents would be filed electronically. The new e-forms have been devised and notified by the Ministry for this purpose.

The eForms that are allowed to be filed by a defaulting company are as follows:
Form DIR-12
Form 20B, Form 21A, Form 23AC, Form 23ACA, Form 23AC- XBRL, Form 23ACA- XBRL- Filing of documents for the year for which it is marked as defaulting and earlier years shall be allowed
Form 66
Form INC-28
Investor complaint form
Forms related to Cost Audit Branch (Form 23C, Form 23D, Form I- Cost Audit report,)
Form GNL-1 for option ‘Compounding of offenses’
Form FTE
Form PAS-3
Form SH-7
Form MGT-14
Form CHG-1 and form CHG-9 Form CHG-4

As per Section 162 of the Companies Act, 1956, if a Company fails to comply with the provisions of Section 159, then the Company and every officer who is in default shall be punishable with fine for the period for which default continues.

You need to verify that you have Adobe Reader 7.0.5 and above installed on your system. You should un-install the other versions of Adobe before installing Adobe Reader 7.0.5 and above.

Yes, the incorporation forms can be filed separately based on the selections made by applicant in form No. INC-2/7.

The email ID is required for the purpose of communication with the company/ applicant. It has been made as a mandatory field for the following e forms:
e Form INC-1 (email of applicant)
e Form INC-22 (email of Indian company)
e Form FC-1 (email of Foreign company)
e Form CHG-1 (email of charge holder)
e Form CHG-9 (email of charge holder)